Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Gavin - 9 months

Yes I realize that it's the week of christmas and in just a few weeks Gavin will be 10 months. I am a procrastinator! Plus I was hoping to get better pictures of my little guy but it's hard taking pictures of a little mover and then there is his brother who thinks he needs to be in every picture.

So here is the best picture I could get of our little guy....

Gavin is quite the mover. He is crawling like a pro. I thought crawling would make him be more of a free spirit but he still crys when I leave the room. Then he just crawls to find me while crying. Such a momma's boy! There have been the few times that Gavin has crawled out of the room and I let him go to see what he'll do. A few mintues later I'll check on him and find him in his room playing with Zack and/or his toys. Of course if Zack's in the room Gavin always ends up crying shortly after. I'm not saying Zack's a bully (but he kind of is) he just hasn't learned how to share yet or how to be gentle with his little brother. Poor Gavin will find a toy and begin playing with it, and no matter what it is Zack will all the sudden have a special interest in it. I know brothers... I just wish he'd leave poor Gavin alone for 2 minutes. Or Gavin will be walking along the couch and Zack will grab him around the neck and body slam him. I know he just wants to play but he's too rough right now. Maybe that's why Gavin is such a big kid, he has to be with a brother like Zack :).

9 month stats:
23 lbs (95 percentile)
and long (can't find the paper with is stats -- also 95 percentile)

This past month we haven't really done too much. My mom took the boys to the Aquarium and Gavin had his first Thanksgiving. But other then that not really much going on.

Gavin has started saying MaMa. It's as clear as day, just not sure if he is saying it for me or just a sound that he makes. But it's just MaMa... not mamamamamama. It's pretty cute and exciting.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We had so many things to be thankful for this year.

I am thankful for our family. Not just our little family but our ENTIRE family. We have amazing people in our lives and are so blessed.

I am thankful for our health. We have been very blessed to have two healthy little boys and only mild health problems.

I am thankful for our jobs. Even with the problems that we had at the beginning of the year we are both blessed to have jobs that treat us well and make us feel appreciated.

I am thankful for the gospel. Because without it I don't know were we would be.

This was Gavin's first Thanksgiving. And even though he wasn't quite 9 months we still let him eat pretty much anything that we are eating. I'm actually not sure if there is a age that is okay to do that but Gavin is a great eater so we went with it. He loved to squish the potatoes between his fingers.

For Thanksgiving Bob always plays Football with friends. This year was especially cold with it only being about 8 degrees that morning. I would have said No thank you. But for him it's tradition. I stayed in our warm house finishing up my food assignment. I made a Pretzel Salad... yummy!

This year we went to my Grandma's house then to my dad's house. We had yummy food. I have to say I love Thanksgiving! I love the food. Zack loved that he could just eat the entire day. I don't think I've ever seen him eat that much. He took to Thanksgiving perfectly.

I had to work Black Friday at 8 am. But that didn't stop me from hitting a midnight sale at Walmart. Luckily I got what I wanted. Unfortunetly I stood in line for 2 1/2 hours to buy it. I probably would have done more shopping but I needed sleep.

After work we had Bob's parents over for Thanksgiving. It was my first time cooking pretty much the entire Thanksgiving meal by myself. Luckily my mom is only a phone call away with ALL my questions. I think it all turned out really good. I heard no complaints.

We had a great day (both Thurs and Friday) and it was awesome to be able to spend it with family.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Yackity Zack

The month of November has just flown by! Really is it already December? The boys are both doing great. They are active as ever. Gavin is loving the crawling phase of life, but he couldn't just stop there, he is now pulling himself up onto everything! About a week ago he even tried walking. Thank goodness it didn't take yet. But our daring little guy sure is trying. Zack is having fun with him. It just melts my heart to see them playing in the corner together or watch Gavin follow Zack into their room and they play in there. It's awesome. I gotta say having two boys so close together will hopefully have their perks. I can just imagine all that I can get done once they are older and playing together. Anyone laughing yet? I know they'll play together but I also can see that there will be fights. Zack is very protective of his toys and is always yelling at Gavin to not touch stuff. But I can dream right?

Zack is talking amazingly! One minute he's just piecing together words and the next he's saying full sentences. It's so funny some of the things he says.

Me: Do you need a spanking?
Zack: No, Thank you I'm okay.

When he falls or if he's doing something wrong and I give him "the look" he says I'm okay. Melts my heart! I do have to say I love when he rubs my face and says "Mommy, your so pretty." Already trying to charm me. What a stinker. Also if I'm pretending to be sad he'll say "It's okay Mommy, Daddy will be home soon."

Speaking of Daddy, Zack already knows that Daddy is a rock star when it comes to fixing things. We were at JoAnn's the other day and they have a warehouse ceiling. So you can see wires and stuff. Zack was so concerned that something was broken on the ceiling. But he said "It's okay, Daddy will fix it." I just had to laugh.

Zack has also started learning to play with his toys. It's so fun to watch him in his little world of make believe. He's been putting his toys to sleep for a while. But the other day Zack got into the fridge and got out the bag of bread. I told him to put it back. He said Handy Manny was hungry. I looked over and there was Handy Manny in the high Chair. So I let Zack feed him. Such a cute little boy!

I feel so blessed to have both Zack and Gavin as a part of our family. They are wonderful little boys.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Gavin - 8 Months

Seriously! Has it already been 8 months since Gavin came into our lives?! Next thing you'll know he's going to be 1 years old. How does the time go by so quickly!

Gavin's 7 Month Picture.......................Gavin's 8 Month Picture

Letter to Gavin:

Dear Gavin,
You are a true blessing to our family. It's amazing how much one little person can add to a family. You are a wonderful little guy. You have gotten over your fear of most people. I think the fact that I've started working again has helped you with that. You have such a wonderful smile and you aren't afraid to share it with the world. You love your mom, dad and brother so much. I love when I walk into a room that you are already in and you get so excited to see me. I also love how excited you get when I come to get you out of your crib. Which by the way we've had to lower because you are starting to pull yourself up on the rails and I don't want you to fall out! In the past month (or two) you've gotten two teeth on the bottom of your mouth -- right in the middle. You started getting mobile by commando crawling. And within a few weeks you were 100% mobile. You have entered the crawling phase of life. And you love it! It amazes me how much you get into now. The cat food and water aren't safe from you. You know that you shouldn't get into it but you do it anyways. It's nice that you are mobile because you follow your brother around. I love to look around for you and find you under the table with your brother. It just melts my heart (until I figure out what you two are into). I know that it will be trouble when you get older. Both of you are going to be troublemakers (in a good way). You are a great eater. So far no allergy's or food aversions. You eat the baby food because that's what we give you but you would much rather have solid foods. You love crackers and cereal. I love to hear you laugh. When I'm in another room and I hear you laugh it just makes me smile. When I investigate to find the latest thing that is making you laugh, it doesn't surprise me that Zack has dogpiled on you and you are just loving every minute of his attention. I can only hope that as you get older that love and bond that the two of you have will continue.
Gavin, you are loved by so many people! We are truely blessed to have you in our family. Thank you for choosing us!

Love, Mom and Dad.

In the past month:

Celebrated Great Grandpa's 80th birthday
Mom started at new job at Bed Bath & Beyond
Visited the Pumpkin Patch
Had Gavin's first Halloween

Gavin loves the outside. Now that he crawls we can more then likely find him in the curtains.

If you stand Gavin up and have him grab onto a chair he loves to stand!
Playing with his brother

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


This year was Gavin's first Halloween and Zack's third Halloween. Zack is understanding the concept a little better. Well actually he knows that if he says Trick or Treat someone will give him candy. This year I made both of their costumes. They were both Skeletons. The costumes were fun to make but a lot more involved that I thought it would be. I spent many nights up until 1 or 2am working on costumes. Of course it didn't help that I am the worlds biggest procrastonator. But I did have them done 2 days before Halloween. Amazing right!

The fronts

And the back (taken a day earlier)

I also made my costume. Here is our family Halloween picture. Bob is Axel Rose (he says).

We had a fun Halloween. It started by visiting my Mom and Aunt Jolene about 4:00. Zack Trick or Treated, then we took pictures. We had our Trunk or Treat at 5:30 which ended up being inside the Church because of the rain. (That was interesting). Our luck the weather holds all day long then right when Trunk or Treating is to begin it rains. Luckily we were inside. There were kids coming through the line that were pretty wet. After Trunk or Treat our Ward had a Chili Dinner. We then went to visit Bob's parents at 7:00. Played there for a little bit then headed to my dad's. I feel bad because I told him the day before that we would visit at 4:30 but totally forgot that I told them a time. So we hung out at my dad's house for a little bit then headed home.

Bob, Zack and Gavin Trick or Treating.

All in all it was a pretty good Halloween. Zack and Gavin got a lot of candy and we've had to hide it!
Zack will say to me... Trick or Treat"? When I tell him the candy is gone, he'll find the bowl and say "There it is, I found it". Such a smart kid.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

Last week my family went to the pumpkin patch. My family being My mom, aunt Jolene, Jeantte and Tyler, Deanna, Kelly and Kairi, myself and the two boys. Bob was at a Football game. It was a lot of fun. Unfortunetly we waited a little later in the month to go and wouldn't you know rain was in the forecast. We planned on meeting at 2:00 at the patch. That morning we woke to rain. I was crossing my fingers and toes that it would clear up. Luck was with us and by two it was better weather. So off to the pumpkin patch we all went. It was fun wondering the field. Zack had a blast picking up pumpkins and adding them to our wheelbarrow. He of course doesn't get the concept that we actually have to buy the pumpkins. All he knew was there was a field full of pumpkins and he could get whatever he wanted. So when he wasn't looking I put some of the pumpkins back into the field. He also didn't understand that you couldn't throw pumpkins. Luckily most of the pumpkins were squishy all ready so I didn't feel too bad if he bruised one or two of them. I was able to get some fun pictures of the kids.

These are two of the pumpkins that we ended up going home with (no charge of course). He's such a silly boy!

Gavin of course just wanted to eat the dirt, hay and vines that were in the pumpkin patch.

This is my favorite picture because it's all the cousins. Tyler who is 15, Zack who is 2, Gavin who is 7 months and Kairi who is 3 months.

Just as we were leaving the pumpkin patch it started to rain. By the time we got home it was a downpour. We definitly were there at the right time. The boys has such cute shirts on, it's too bad they were hidden by their jackets. This is one reason I'm not a fan of cold weather. Cute clothes are hidden beneath layers!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Oh What a Fright

I love halloween. I love decorating for it. I love wearing costumes. And this years I am super excited to celebrate it with my two boys. Zack has been practicing trick or treating all month. Not sure he understands the concept but I know once he gets that first bit of candy in his bag he'll be hooked. I started decorating a little late this year... but Zack was a big help. He especially loved his new friend:
I love this pictures because it's so Zack. He is such a ham. He would have played with this guy all day long if it hadn't broke. So all decorations are hands off from now on.
I also love dressing my kids for halloween. It's so exciting to celebrate Gavin's first Halloween!

I'm making the boys costumes this year so we'll see how they turn out. In my mind they are amazing. But not sure what it will end up being. And I'm kind of a matchy matchy type person so the boys will be dressed alike. I'll be dressed along the same theme. And Bob.... well he'll be wearing a mustache (that's all I could get him to agree too

Oh what a fright

I love halloween. I love decorating for it. I love wearing costumes. And this years I am super excited to celebrate it with my two boys. Zack has been practicing trick or treating all month. Not sure he understands the concept but I know once he gets that first bit of candy in his bag he'll be hooked. I started decorating a little late this year... but Zack was a big help. He especially loved his new friend:
I love this pictures because it's so Zack. He is such a ham. He would have played with this guy all day long if it hadn't broke. So all decorations are hands off from now on.
I also love dressing my kids for halloween. It's so exciting to celebrate Gavin's first Halloween!

I'm making the boys costumes this year so we'll see how they turn out. In my mind they are amazing. But not sure what it will end up being. And I'm kind of a matchy matchy type person so the boys will be dressed alike. I'll be dressed along the same theme. And Bob.... well he'll be wearing a mustache (that's all I could get him to agree too

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Do the Wave

It's been a pretty crazy month in our household... have I said that before!?

Zack is still potty training... tell me it will end soon. We may have to try another tactic because the only thing that seems to be working is letting him run around the house naked. And out in public that is no bueno. There was one night we accidentally put him to bed with his underwear on and surprisingly the next morning he was dry. He does good for a little bit then the next thing we know he's naked. It's just a never ending cycle. But he's only 2 so he's okay. Now if in 2 more years I'm still saying the same thing, we are in trouble.

Gavin has gotten his first tooth... make that first two teeth. Both are on the bottom. Now it really hurts when he bites your finger. He actually handled it really well minus the 30 minutes it took to realize there was a tooth there. Hardly any drooling, fever or runny nose. After the teeth came in he started getting a fever so that was odd. He's also had what looked like baby acne round one of his eyes a few months ago. It comes and goes so I wasn't too concerned. Then the other eye started getting it. Now he's got what looks like a rash on his eyes, forehead, some on his back and also where his diaper is. Now I'm worried. I've called the doctor and we go in on Tuesday to have a look at it. I kind of hope it sticks around so we can finally get it taken care of.

Which leads me to the next fun thing. Our car is having troubles. Beginning of September I was driving home from being out all day and just as I was turning from the highway to another street my car died! D.I.E.D In the middle of the intersection. And this particular intersection is not a fun one. Normally only 2-3 cars make the light so with my dead car in the intersection trying to turn left I had some very unhappy people behind me. 3 lights it took me to turn. Ugh! It was a nightmare. It was also a day that I was late getting home to pick up the husband and his friends so we could go to a BYU Football game. So needless to say we left the car on the side of the road and got it later. And wouldn't you know it when Bob picked it up later that day it worked fine. Didn't die once. It hadn't had a problem since until my birthday. This time I had my cousin with me so she could confirm the fun ride we had home. Bob was home so he took it out for a spin and got it to fail that time. The next day we took it to the dealership to have it diagnosed and wouldn't you know they couldn't get it to fail. Two days they had it without a problem... ugh. I hate faulty cars.

On top of that our computer hard drive crashed and burned. It was fine one minute then I got the blue screen of death. I tried to restart the computer and it started making a horrible noise. My brother in law and brother both looked at and confirmed that it wad dead. Luckily I had backed up all my pictures last month so what wasn't backed up was still on my camera. Unfortunetly a few movies and music that we downloaded hadn't been backed up. But what is upsetting me the most is all my "favorites" are gone. I had a awesome catalog of crafts and cool websites that I had found. Oh well if that's all we had lost it makes us pretty lucky.

And since all things come in Three's. Our faucet started leaking and we had to drop $130 to get that fixed. The fun of being a homeowner :)

Now my news....

I am finally employeed. I am the newest member of Bed Bath and Beyond.... yeah I'm excited too. It will be fun. Every once in a while I'll get to work with my good friend Sharma so that will rock. The pay isn't that great but I will work mostly late afternoons/Evenings so I'll be home with the kids but still bring in a little bit of money. I did interview with Nike the day I started at BB&B so we are crossing our fingers they pay more and offer me a job. I 1/2 way interviewed with Discover but they called just as I had gotten Gavin in his car seat which he proceeded to have a meltdown when I left the room to take the call. Needless to say when I had to get off the phone with them and asked the women to call me back in an hour or so she didn't :(. Which makes me sad. Discover would have been perfect for me because they pay more and they had a shift from 5-1am. Oh well, I tried.

Craft Blog

So many of you noticed the vinyl project that I had posted a few days ago. And just to clarify Deanna did buy the vinyl and I just used it ALL. But to be fair I am going to buy her more and cut out whatever she wants in any color that she wants... so in the end I will have spent the money on the vinyl. Love you Deanna :)

I have started a craft blog that I am going to try to document some of the crafts that I have tried. Many of them will be things that I saw on other craft blogs and I'll give credit where it is due. I'm going to try to make tutorials as well so if you want to craft along with me you can. I just didn't want the craft stuff to overwhelm my family stuff, so I'm keeping them seperate. The craft blog webiste is


but you can also find it if you go to my dashboard. I do have three blogs on the dashboard because I'll probably be going back to public with my blog but didn't want the same web address so everything on the third blog is a duplicate to this one.

Another reason that I'm doing this is because I want to try out for so you think your crafty and I needed a place to document my crafts. Of course to be a part of that contest I'll have to have original crafts so I'm trying to find my style and get more crafty.

Thanks for keeping up with my family and hope to see you on my craft website as well. Feedback is wanted.

I have a Circus post below so don't forget to read that as well :)

Do the wave

It's been a pretty crazy month in our household... have I said that before!?

Zack is still potty training... tell me it will end soon. We may have to try another tactic because the only thing that seems to be working is letting him run around the house naked. And out in public that is no bueno. There was one night we accidentally put him to bed with his underwear on and surprisingly the next morning he was dry. He does good for a little bit then the next thing we know he's naked. It's just a never ending cycle. But he's only 2 so he's okay. Now if in 2 more years I'm still saying the same thing, we are in trouble.

Gavin has gotten his first tooth... make that first two teeth. Both are on the bottom. Now it really hurts when he bites your finger. He actually handled it really well minus the 30 minutes it took to realize there was a tooth there. Hardly any drooling, fever or runny nose. After the teeth came in he started getting a fever so that was odd. He's also had what looked like baby acne round one of his eyes a few months ago. It comes and goes so I wasn't too concerned. Then the other eye started getting it. Now he's got what looks like a rash on his eyes, forehead, some on his back and also where his diaper is. Now I'm worried. I've called the doctor and we go in on Tuesday to have a look at it. I kind of hope it sticks around so we can finally get it taken care of.

Which leads me to the next fun thing. Our car is having troubles. Beginning of September I was driving home from being out all day and just as I was turning from the highway to another street my car died! D.I.E.D In the middle of the intersection. And this particular intersection is not a fun one. Normally only 2-3 cars make the light so with my dead car in the intersection trying to turn left I had some very unhappy people behind me. 3 lights it took me to turn. Ugh! It was a nightmare. It was also a day that I was late getting home to pick up the husband and his friends so we could go to a BYU Football game. So needless to say we left the car on the side of the road and got it later. And wouldn't you know it when Bob picked it up later that day it worked fine. Didn't die once. It hadn't had a problem since until my birthday. This time I had my cousin with me so she could confirm the fun ride we had home. Bob was home so he took it out for a spin and got it to fail that time. The next day we took it to the dealership to have it diagnosed and wouldn't you know they couldn't get it to fail. Two days they had it without a problem... ugh. I hate faulty cars.

On top of that our computer hard drive crashed and burned. It was fine one minute then I got the blue screen of death. I tried to restart the computer and it started making a horrible noise. My brother in law and brother both looked at and confirmed that it wad dead. Luckily I had backed up all my pictures last month so what wasn't backed up was still on my camera. Unfortunetly a few movies and music that we downloaded hadn't been backed up. But what is upsetting me the most is all my "favorites" are gone. I had a awesome catalog of crafts and cool websites that I had found. Oh well if that's all we had lost it makes us pretty lucky.

And since all things come in Three's. Our faucet started leaking and we had to drop $130 to get that fixed. The fun of being a homeowner :)

Now my news....

I am finally employeed. I am the newest member of Bed Bath and Beyond.... yeah I'm excited too. It will be fun. Every once in a while I'll get to work with my good friend Sharma so that will rock. The pay isn't that great but I will work mostly late afternoons/Evenings so I'll be home with the kids but still bring in a little bit of money. I did interview with Nike the day I started at BB&B so we are crossing our fingers they pay more and offer me a job. I 1/2 way interviewed with Discover but they called just as I had gotten Gavin in his car seat which he proceeded to have a meltdown when I left the room to take the call. Needless to say when I had to get off the phone with them and asked the women to call me back in an hour or so she didn't :(. Which makes me sad. Discover would have been perfect for me because they pay more and they had a shift from 5-1am. Oh well, I tried.

Monday, October 4, 2010

My Craft Blog

So many of you noticed the vinyl project that I had posted a few days ago. And just to clarify Deanna did buy the vinyl and I just used it ALL. But to be fair I am going to buy her more and cut out whatever she wants in any color that she wants... so in the end I will have spent the money on the vinyl. Love you Deanna :)

I have started a craft blog that I am going to try to document some of the crafts that I have tried. Many of them will be things that I saw on other craft blogs and I'll give credit where it is due. I'm going to try to make tutorials as well so if you want to craft along with me you can. I just didn't want the craft stuff to overwhelm my family stuff, so I'm keeping them seperate. The craft blog webiste is


but you can also find it if you go to my dashboard. I do have three blogs on the dashboard because I'll probably be going back to public with my blog but didn't want the same web address so everything on the third blog is a duplicate to this one.

Another reason that I'm doing this is because I want to try out for so you think your crafty and I needed a place to document my crafts. Of course to be a part of that contest I'll have to have original crafts so I'm trying to find my style and get more crafty.

Thanks for keeping up with my family and hope to see you on my craft website as well. Feedback is wanted.

I have a Circus post below so don't forget to read that as well :)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

About a month or two ago I won 4 tickets to the Circus. I love the circus. It usually is in town right around Jeanette and my birthday. I was so excited to take Zack and Gavin to see the cirucus even though I knew they wouldn't really understand what was going on. We went the weekend for my birthday so it was a great start to a my birthday week!

As always the circus did not cease to amaze me. There was so much going on in the rings that you couldn't keep up with everything. I loved it though. 40 minutes into the circus both our kids were asleep. Yup that's how we roll.

They did both wake up after a short siesta and seemed to be pretty entertained by the entire thing. Gavin loved the excitement and was pretty much jumping on my lap the entire time. Zack... he liked the $10 cotton candy... LOL.

Things that we saw at the circus:
Tight Rope walkers
7 motorcycles in a small little sphere
Dancing horses
People jumping on a trampoline
A very stong man that lifted over 1000 lbs
People that could bend EVERY which way
The newest member of Ringling Barnum Circus... a baby elephant. And already he was putting on a show.
Motorcycle on a tight rope
Lady being swung/spinning by her hair
of cours the clowns
And I'm sure much more... like I said there was a lot to see!

And now for some pictures... some of the quality aren't so good but you get the idea.


About a month or two ago I won 4 tickets to the Circus. I love the circus. It usually is in town right around Jeanette and my birthday. I was so excited to take Zack and Gavin to see the cirucus even though I knew they wouldn't really understand what was going on. We went the weekend for my birthday so it was a great start to a my birthday week!

As always the circus did not cease to amaze me. There was so much going on in the rings that you couldn't keep up with everything. I loved it though. 40 minutes into the circus both our kids were asleep. Yup that's how we roll.

They did both wake up after a short siesta and seemed to be pretty entertained by the entire thing. Gavin loved the excitement and was pretty much jumping on my lap the entire time. Zack... he liked the $10 cotton candy... LOL.

Things that we saw at the circus:
Tight Rope walkers
7 motorcycles in a small little sphere
Dancing horses
People jumping on a trampoline
A very stong man that lifted over 1000 lbs
People that could bend EVERY which way
The newest member of Ringling Barnum Circus... a baby elephant. And already he was putting on a show.
Motorcycle on a tight rope
Lady being swung/spinning by her hair
of cours the clowns
And I'm sure much more... like I said there was a lot to see!

And now for some pictures... some of the quality aren't so good but you get the idea.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Made at home Vinyl Letter

I love the vinyl letters and all the wonderful saying that are out there. I love that they are getting so common place that Target and Walmart are starting to sell them. The only thing is I'm cheap. There I said it.

I bought the cricut brand vinyl at Robert's, used their 40% coupon and got a roll for only $5. I made a sign for my little sister. And the remaining vinyl I made this...

Everything was cut from my cricut. I LOVE that thing. I wish I had the Cricut Expressions but I got mine when they first came out and all they had was the Personal Cricut Machine. I do use my Cricut Design Studio all the time to get the bigger letters and connect my letters for each word.

For this project I used:
Storybook Cartridge
Cuttin' Up Cartridge
Opposite Attracts Cartridge

The other frame is waiting for my youngest's picture which I haven't gotten yet... ugh!

The frames I got during the 50% sale at Roberts so they only cost me about $12 a piece. So all together this project costed me roughly $26.

Vinyl Letters

I love the vinyl letters and all the wonderful saying that are out there. I love that they are getting so common place that Target and Walmart are starting to sell them. The only thing is I'm cheap. There I said it.

I bought the cricut brand vinyl at Robert's, used their 40% coupon and got a roll for only $5. I made a sign for my little sister. And the remaining vinyl I made this...

Everything was cut from my cricut. I LOVE that thing. I wish I had the Cricut Expressions but I got mine when they first came out and all they had was the Personal Cricut Machine. I do use my Cricut Design Studio all the time to get the bigger letters and connect my letters for each word.

For this project I used:
Storybook Cartridge
Cuttin' Up Cartridge
Opposite Attracts Cartridge

The other frame is waiting for my youngest's picture which I haven't gotten yet... ugh!

The frames I got during the 50% sale at Roberts so they only cost me about $12 a piece. So all together this project costed me roughly $26.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

1/2 way to 1 year old

Can you believe that Gavin is already 6 months old! Time really is flying bye. First the Summer is practically over and now Gavin is 6 months old... Wow!

I have to say I'm ready for this little guy to start moving on his own. He's getting tired of sitting in one place. Even rolling has gotten old for him. If he's left for too long on his own he crys and wants to be picked up. The cutest thing is when I walk near him he now lifts his arms up for me. How can I resist something so cute! But holding our little man for very long is getting harder and harder. He's a big boy!

Gavin is getting so big (both length and weight). And we love every inch of him. I love his chubby little legs and thick neck. I especailly love to kiss them. Gavin is also so ticklish. And in the right mood I can get him laughing really good.

Gavin loves his big brother. No matter how rough Zack is with thim he just laughs. I'm sure he's just delighted that his big brother is playing with him. But Zack better watch out once Gavin gets moving on his own he'll get back at him.

As always with babies there are many firsts for them. This past month was the first time Gavin went camping. (it's also the first time we went camping as a family!)
6 month stats:
20.6 pounds- 90th percentile
28.8 inches long - 95 percentile
Head Circumfrance - 17.8 inches - 75 percentile
All together - we have one big boy!

Zack's head was always in the 5-10 percentile so already Gavin is much bigger then Zack (which he needs with a brother like Zack!)