Thursday, January 31, 2008

Appointment 3

Yesterday was our third doctors appointment. Bob didn't come with me because we figured it wasn't one of the "important" appointments. I was nervous going into the appointment because that's just how I am. So when the doctor pulled out the heart beat monitor to listen to the heart beat and couldn't find it I'm pretty sure my heart stopped beating for a second too. He ended up having to get the portable ultrasound to find the baby. Everything ended up being okay the baby was just hiding I guess. We saw the baby moving so the doctor wasn't worried. So if he's not worried I need to stop worrying! We did get the paperwork to do the Ultrasound in the next couple of weeks. Depending on the radiology schedule it will be in the next week or two. I'm so excited to find out what we are having and hopefully see a clearer picture of our baby! We are inviting our mom's to come to the ultrasound with us. I figured it would be fun to have there there in person instead of watching the video afterwards. But I can't wait to post the video for everyone else to see it!


  1. I can't wait either! I better be one of the first calls you make! (or just send a mass text. Either way - I want to know!)

  2. I had a moment of terror with each child when they do the whole "Heartbeat" thing.

    It's just a scary moment.

    I'm so glad everything went well!


  3. I am so very excited. I like reading updates! :)
