Monday, July 7, 2008

Today marks 40 weeks

Today is our due date.

It's exciting that it's finally here, but frustrating that NOTHING is happening.

Friday afternoon we tried one of Tiffany's suggestion of eating a pizza that has put other women into labor. The pizza was really good, but didn't really do much in putting me into labor. I'm scared to do the castrol oil because knowing my luck all it would do is give me the runs... LOL.

Sleeping has become harder and harder for me as well.
  • I can't find a comfortable position to sleep.
  • Get out of bed makes me feel like a turtle on it's back; because I do a lot of swing my arms and legs to roll over and get out of bed. Poor Abbie has started sleeping on the couch because I'm sure I've kicked him more times then I'd like to rememeber.
  • Most of my dreams revolve around my water breaking and getting to the hospital ASAP. So everytime I wake up I'm checking my bed for water (just in case).

It's getting scary for me. Any day know we'll be having our baby! Yikes! Bob was hoping we'd have the baby this weekend then he'd have a 10 day week vacation from work. But no luck. If he has to travel futher then the Salt Lake Valley he calls to see how I'm feeling to make sure I won't go into labor while he's out of the valley. I know he's starting to be a nervous wreck as well. He just wants everything to go smoothly.

And if for some reason we end up going until the 14th and have to be induced, I'm sure neither of us will get much sleep the night before.

I'll try to take a picture this week of my 40 week belly. But I'm sure it's no different then the 38 or 39 week picture. This is one that I had done for my 39 week picture. I probably shouldn't have worn black but oh well.

I'm sure I'll keep everyone updated this week on what's going on. And hopefully we'll be able to post pictures from the hospital. I'll have to convice one of my family members to bring their laptop since we don't have one. So everyone say a little prayer that we'll have this little guy sooner then later.


  1. Holy cow you must be DYING.

    I have never gone over my due date but i think if I did I would want to stick a fork in my eye.

    You must be so uncomfortable and anxious! Here is hoping something happens, SOON.

  2. Ok, fine. don't have your baby on sweetie's birthday! I'm holing out for July 10th-- seems like a good day. Tell Zackery for me, mmmkay? thanks-

  3. Hi Jenn!
    I just stumbled upon your blog--it caught my attention because I too was due on 7/7 with our first baby. And here I sit, still pregnant. It's so nice to know I'm not alone! Today I was on all fours scrubbing the bathroom floor hoping for labor pains, but nothing. Here's to waiting!
    --Becca, St. Paul MN

  4. Let me be the first to say (at least in BlogWorld) --- CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!! Yay for July 10th - Little Miss totally called it!

  5. Congratulations Jenn and Bob!!!

    I am so excited for you! Little Miss sent me a text early that morning and then Candice emailed me. I am glad you are doing well!
