Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Never to early to learn

I'm not really big on new years resolutions because I feel that sometimes you just shoot too high. Plus we should be constantly making goals and hopefully acheiving them!

So my "Not" new years resolutions or my goals for this week is to be a better mom to my boys. With my new job position at work I wont be at home most of the day with them. So the days that I either have a day off or home for a good portion of the day I want to make the most of it.

So here is what I have planned.

With Zack I want to start working on some pre-preschool stuff. I've seen a lot of stuff on pinterest on homeschooling and fun things to do with younger kids who aren't in preschool yet. I want to make learning fun for him.

This week we are working on M is for Monster. I'm not really focusing on the letter because there will be some weeks that we aren't working on letters and I don't want the pressure of having to find activities each week that focus on a particular letter. That may change but right now we are just testing the waters.

This week I found learning packets on two websites: 2 mommes teaching and Our little monkeys, I kind of picked and chose which activities would be best for Zack.  I decided to work with Zack during Gavin's naps (which hopefully lasts a bit longer) so I could focus just on him right now.  Don't worry I still work with Gavin on things but right now he's content on just having me read books to him. 

Zack really had fun.  But the most fun was when I pulled out the play doh that I made for him.  And to top it off Deanna came by after work (to pick up Kairi who was sleeping) and played with the play doh too.  I decided to work on one subject each week and hopefully have a new activity or something to do with the theme for that week.  Tomorrow we are going to make Felt Monster!  I love on the Our Little Monkey website she has links on other fun activities for the Monster theme. 

As with most of posts I just can't help not adding some pictures. 

Zack working on drawing lines.  Not sure the point or if I'm doing it right but I guess it teaches him to follow instructions and eventually when we start working on writing letters it helps him with the curves and lines.... Either way he really enjoys it.  Plus I put it in a sheet protector and he uses dry erases markers so it's totally reusable!
All the things I found on the website.  Such great resources!  And as long as you use them for personal use it's free.  My kinds of kits!

Stolen from facebook - Deanna's Monster creation using the play doh that I made.  Monsters in the swimming pool.  Guess who can't wait for Summer.

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