Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Summer Lovin'

Just wanted to post with some silly pictures of Zack playing in the water.   I have to say I'm just glad that he's playing in the sprinklers and wanting to get into the bath.  It was hit and miss the first few years with him.  He never was sure about the water but now he's starting to become a fish.  Zack still hates his face to get wet.  And forget about trying to wash his hair.  I might as well be trying to drown him by the way he screams when it's time to wash his hair.  But he gets over it quickly and back to playing. 

Lately I've been having a hard time keeping Zack out of the water in the backyard.  We had a sprinkler hooked up to the hose but he was always turning it on (and leaving it on) without us knowing.  Next thing you know he's running in the backyard naked (at least the picture below he has his underware on).   As a punishment we actually took the sprinkler way from him.  
Zack running through the sprinklers with his underware one.

Zack has been wanting to swim at the pool, but it's been a bit cold and windy so this was a good alternative.  Thank goodness for Garden tubs.

Zack trying to float on his back.  I'm just proud of him for getting some of his hair wet.  Next year I will definitly be getting him in swim lessons.

Since Zack has been wanting to swim in the "pool" (our bathtub) so often I finally bought a small pool for our backyard.  Zack got one for his birthday last year from my sister but it got a hole in it :(.  It's not a big pool but it works for Zack playing in it and jumping in it.  Unfortunely Gavin usually naps between 11 and 2 so it's not too often he gets to play in the pool because I normally have to be to work by 4 or 5. 

Gavin is by far more of a fish then Zack is.  He doesn't even mind too much when Zack sprays him with the hose, squirt gun, or a cup of water.  He just stands there and takes all the water he can get. 

And totally unrelated to the water post, but I just wanted to document a funny conversation Zack had with me today at the Tire Store.
We were waiting to have my tire looked at.  Zack and Gavin were playing around the seating area.  A Polynesian women and her son were also in the seating area.  Zack loves making friends so he sat down next to the boy (which at first he thought was a girl).  The little boy was the same age as Zack and didn't have any shoes on.  Zack looked at me and said "Mom, he has color on his foot."  Not sure what he meant I asked "What do you mean he has Color on his foot".  Zack said "His Foot is brown."  The mom of the little boy was just laughing.  It's so funny that at such a young age Zack is already starting to notice people's different skin color.  I just told him that some people have different skin color. 

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