Monday, March 30, 2009

Some Videos

These are a couple videos of Zack from the last couple of days.

He has mastered climbing the stairs. We aren't normally (ever) in the basement so I'm not sure where he learned this, maybe at Bob's parents house. He does like to climb on my mom's VCR and DVD player they have and they do look like stairs. I thought he learned at the babysitters house but she seemed surprised to see him doing it when I got there this afternoon. (I did record it sideways; sorry about that!)

The next video is just me feeding him. About the middle she starts spitting. Something he has just started to do and I hope it's not a habit.

He's learning new things everyday and he definitly is learning from other people. It will be fun to see what he learns to do next.


  1. wow, he's getting big so fast!! i can't believe he already does the stairs that is awesome!! what a cutie!

  2. He'll be walking and talking before you know it.
