Monday, March 31, 2008

Picture update

This post is about 2 weeks late. But I'm such a procrastinator. I kept telling myself I'd take the picture tomorrow and tomorrow just kept getting further and further away. The picture isn't the best and the lighting pretty much sucks, but this will have to do.

Things are going great. We bought the crib and dresser at a liquidator sale. We (meaning Bob) have starting working on painting the nursery. My feet hurt if I walk too much and my back is definitely sore. But it's so worth it! I still keep telling myself that I'll start going to the gym but again with the procrastinating. Oh well.

I had another doctors appointment last Thursday. I had to do the Glucose test. Got the results today and everything is normal -- No Gestational Diabetes. I'm measuring right on schedule so that is encouraging. The only bad part of the appointment is my weight! Can you tell I've gained quite a bit! It's embarrassing to talk about, but since this is my journal about the pregnancy I need to at least document it. I've gain 27 lbs since my first appt. It's more then I probably should, especially with 3 months left. So I defiantly need to get to the gym and work out! I did get a swimsuit today so I'm hoping to get signed up for a Maternity Water Aerobics class. If I'm signed up for an actual class I will make it. It's just so hard to go by myself to the gym!


  1. I know what you mean about needing to work out. i meant to do it every pregnancy... oh well! i think you are smart to do water aerobics! You get so much sorer so much easier when you are pregnant and i found that swimming really helps me feel better rather than just straining every non-strained muscle in my body! : ) you look great by the way! i'm glad that your glucose test came back normal. and that you guys finally have some furniture and things to start getting ready for his arrival. i remember when i was having my first i had all these cute little things it was hard to imagine that the baby was actually going to be wearing them and i would be washing them and folding them.... oh i'm so excited for you! how are you sleeping? I think i'm about 2 weeks behind you and i'm already haveing leg and back pain when i sleep. that's my least favorite part of being pregnant is the last trimester i just can't sleep! well good luck with everything!

  2. HOW DID i JUST BEARLY FIND THIS??? I don't know where I've been LOL Jenn, your belly is so adorable!!! I'm so happy for you! you are so cute preggo!!! SO CUTE!
